Monday, December 7, 2015

It's December in NorCal

It's December!!! Christmas time! Woohoo!! It's just a shame that there's no snow here in NorCal. It doesn't quite feel like Christmas time without the snow. It's a little nippy outside in the morning and at nights, but that's about it. I received my first Christmas present the other day in the mail! Well. Actually, it was about 20+ presents.

Thank you to my home ward for putting together that wonderful Christmas box! They wrapped over 20 items and wrote scriptures on the out side of each one. Each scripture is a clue to what is inside! It's super fun to read the scriptures with my companion in the morning and guess what's inside!

Last week, on Sunday, the church came out with a super cool video titled "A Savior is Born" it's a short clip about Jesus and why he came to this world. This is the link and I encourage each and every one of you to watch it! Watch it, and email me back about what you thought of it! Tell me what you felt during the clip!

This last week was super awesome! We picked up two new investigators and one of them is progressing! We taught him the restoration which took us almost 2 hours!!! His name is Adam and he is Latino. He has 2 kids and isn't married. He wants a better life for himself and his kids. His neighbor, sister McDowell who is a member in our ward, introduced him to the church and invited him to sacrament. He attended last week and really liked it! He wrote down lots of questions that he had during sacrament meeting! They were mostly comparing our church to the Catholic Church, since that's what he used to attend. He told us that he doesn't like the Catholic Church because nothing makes sense.

Well, it's a good thing that our church makes sense!!! Haha.

Oh! So, I got a new companion like 2 weeks ago. Haha I guess I can tell you all a little about him! His name is elder Fife and he's from Sandy Utah. He's 20 years old and loves soccer!! He's only been out as long as I have, so we both have no idea what we're doing 😂. We get along very well. He's into street cars and is teaching me about Subarus while I teach him about Toyotas! He loves skiing and dirt bikes! He's got a CRF 250x back home that he rides wherever he can. He always has a Rubix cube that he solves in the morning and when we have a little down time. I bought myself one, and he's teaching me how to solve it!

Here's a few pictures from things this past week!

Hellooooo. I love you all and can't wait for Christmas!! I'm so excited to skype you guys!! We decorated our house all festive for the holidays! Heres some pictures!


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